Rails rspec notes

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Category : Technical

Mock vs stub

  1. Stub

    Returns canned responses, avoiding any meaningful computation or I/O

    => Tra ve ket qua a ex:

    allow(some_object).to receive(some_method).and_return(some_value)

  2. Mock

    Expects specific messages; will raise an error if it doesn’t receive them by the end of the example


    expect(some_object).to receive(some_method).and_return(some_value)


double(*args) public Shortcut for creating an instance of Spec::Mocks::Mock.

name is used for failure reporting, so you should use the role that the double is playing in the example.

stubs_and_options lets you assign options and stub values at the same time. The only option available is :null_object. Anything else is treated as a stub value.


thing = double(“thing”, :a => “A”) thing.a == “A” => true person = double(“thing”, :name => “Joe”, :email => “joe@domain.com”) person.name => “Joe” person.email => “joe@domain.com”

About Hung Nguyen
Hung Nguyen

Hi I a Hung, a Web Developer and Project manager.

Email : hungnv950@gmail.com

Website : http://hungnv950.github.io

About Hung Nguyen

Hi, my name is Hung Nguyen

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